Tehran-Chalus Freeway - Harazrah Company
Projects > Tehran-Chalus Freeway
Tehran-Chalus Freeway
Tehran-Chalus Freeway, with the exact length of 121km, begins at Shahid Hemmat Highway conjunction with Azadegan Highway in the west Tehran and connects to Chalus Ring road. This project is considered one of the most important highway projects in the country, for its tourism attractions and for linking the north and south of Iran through Central Alborz region. With constructing this highway, the current route of Tehran-karaj-Shahrestanak will be reduced by 64km and thus the travelling time will decrease considerably. Tehran-North highway is under construction in 4 areas, 1st and 4th areas construction are completed and 2nd area has 87% construction improvement, and 3rd area is under detailed design.
Scope of Works
Location: Tehran–Chalus Freeway
Client: Construction and Development of Trasnportation Infrastructures Company
Consultant:: Harazrah Consulting Engineers Group

Length (km): 121
Width (m): 22
Excavation (m3): 22,500,000
Earthwork (m3): 9,500,000
Concrete (m3): 4,350,000
Reinforcement (ton): 177,500
Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ton): 1,100,000
Number of Tunnels: 151
Total Length of Tunnels (km): 82
Number of Special Bridges: 79
Total Length of Special Bridges (m): 11935
Details of 2nd Zone
Bridge 2nd Zone (No.): 30
Bridge Length 2nd Zone (m): 3,400
Tunnels 2nd zone (No.): 59
Tunnels Length 2nd Zone (m): 37,500
Galleries 2nd Zone (No.): 111
Galleries Length 2nd Zone (m): 3,887
Excavation (m3): ~1,300,000
Embankment (m3): ~580,000
Base (m3): ~4,800
Sub-Base (m3): ~4,800
Concrete Volume (m3): ~600,000
Asphalt (ton): 41,000